Get your littlest students practicing public speaking, so when they’re adults, it’ll be as natural as breathing!


Here are just a few of the benefits of getting your Student involved in public speaking at a young age.

Coffee Bean

Increase Confidence

Little victories are the key to growth in anything, and public speaking is no different.

Coffee Bean

Improve reading & Writing

Oral communication has a natural connection to reading and writing. Your student will grow in all of them!

Coffee Bean

Make friends

Students are encouraged to share loving, kind, and encouraging feedback with each other —  bonds are created as they grow in the trenches together.

Our Gallery

We try to create a meeting atmosphere that’s safe and relaxed, but intentional about making it a loving, encouraging, Christ-honoring time to begin to point our students to God’s amazing grace and love for them. We teach the basics of presentation, giving and receiving feedback in a loving and honoring manner. 

Check us out

once a month – See Club CALENDAR (Sept thru May)

3:00 – 4:00 PM

sign up

Get your Junior Student (<12 years old) started today and theyʻll stand on your shoulders!